Electrical Workers Minority Caucus collecting new, ‘gently used’ coats for kids, young adults


CoatGive a coat and warm a kid’s heart

The St. Louis Chapter of the Electrical Workers Minority Caucus is holding its annual coat drive to raise funds and collect coats for needy children Saturday Dec. 5 from 7 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at IBEW Local 1 Hall at 5850 Elizabeth Ave. in The Hill Neighborhood.

Admission, which includes music and refreshments, is $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Also, don’t forget to bring new or “gently used” coats for the collection. Hats and gloves are needed as well.

Members of the IBEW Locals 1, 1439 and 1459 conduct the annual drive to help children and young adults who are in desperate need of them for the winter but whose financial conditions are such that they can’t afford them.

Members of the IBEW Locals 1, 1439 and 1459 participate in the drive. Last year’s drive resulted in about 400 coats being donated to St. Louis children, and organizers say they need just as many this year.

The coats are distributed through dozens of local organizations, including the Annie Malone Children & Family Service Center, Tandy Community Center, St. Vincent’s, ECHO, local city schools and several groups serving disabled children.

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This year’s warmer temperatures won’t last, EWMC Chapter Secretary Yvette Goods (IBEW Local 1) said. “Cold weather is coming, and there are many children in need. Just ask the schools. They’ve got kids who are homeless and living in cars. They go to school and then go home to the car. It’s sad.”

For tickets to the dance/drive or more information, contact Goods at 314-608-0142.

If you can’t attend, but still want to donate for children and young adults who really need coats this winter, you can send donations payable to EWMC and mail them to P.O. Box 21163, St. Louis, MO 63121.



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