12th Annual Tradeswomen Build Nations set for Oct. 28 in Las Vegas

REPRESENTING ST. LOUIS: Showcasing one of the best Plumbers & Pipefitters unions and two of the best sport teams in the nation – the St. Louis Cardinals and Stanley Cup Champion St. Louis Blues – 10 female members of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 562 proudly represented St. Louis as they marched in the 2019 Tradeswomen Build Nations parade held in downtown Minneapolis. – File photo

Registration is open for the 12th Annual Tradeswomen Build Nations Conference, which will be held in Las Vegas from Oct. 28 through Oct 30.

The last two conferences were held on a virtual platform because of the pandemic. This year’s event will be held at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel, 3655 Las Vegas Blvd. in South Las Vegas.

The event is especially popular among St. Louis-area tradeswomen, who showed up in full force at the 2019 in-person convention. Many unions pay for their female members to attend the event. Talk to your union representative or business manager for more information.

The convention, sponsored in part by the North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU), is the largest yearly event of its kind for women of all ages and skill levels who work or aspire to work in the construction trades and attracts about 3,000 women. This year’s them is “Stronger Together.”

It provides opportunities for networking, learning and leadership for all attendees. Workshops and plenary sessions are facilitated by tradeswomen and feature union leaders, apprenticeship coordinators and contractors. The information and fun-filled weekend will leave women with a renewed sense of purpose in their careers as well as new friends and memories to carry through life.

The cost to attend is $150 a person and includes a conference reception on Friday, two continental breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday and lunch on Saturday. Room rates range from $160 to $190 plus taxes.

To register for the conference, go to nabtu.org/twbn and to register for a room, visit https//book.passkey.go/SP12W2.


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