$5 for Fight Fund raised $136,675 from 615 donors to aid union families


Teach-Girls-End-World-PovertyThank you everyone for once again opening your hearts and your wallets by donating $136,675.48 to the annual $5 for the Fight campaign to aid unemployed union members and their families.

Of that total, $120,154.02 was paid out to provide emergency help directly from the Fight Fund. However, additional monies were also paid out by the United Way, the Sheet Metal Workers Local 36’s Metalworking Industry Fund, Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 562’s special assessment fund, the United Way’s Laid-off Workers Fund and the Union Tornado Fund.

A final total will be announced in the Feb. 7 issue, when the Greater St. Louis Labor Council and the Labor Tribune will launch the 2013 campaign. In that issue we will run the final Honor Roll list for 2012 to catch some of the last minute donors.

Donations poured in from 615 contributors — union members, retirees, unions, friends of labor and a number of companies and organizations who stepped up with sizeable financial support.

To everyone, THANK YOU from the hundreds who were helped. While the names of recipients are confidential, they express their gratitude for union brothers and sisters helping union brothers and sisters.


Meanwhile, the need continues. If you want to make a donation and join one of the six Honor Rolls, here’s how:

There are three ways to donate:

1) Direct contribution – send a check or money order (no cash please), payable to “$5 for the Fight” and mailed to: $5 for the Fight, % St. Louis Labor Council, 3301 Hollenberg Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044. Be sure to include your union affiliation.

2) On line – go to www.labortribune.com, click “$5 for the Fight Donations” to go to a secure donations page.

3) Automatic continuing deduction from your credit card: go to www.labortribune.com, click “$5 for the Fight Donations” to go to a secure donations page, check the “Automatic monthly deduction” and amount. Each month your designated donation will automatically be deducted from your credit card.

Remember that 100 percent of your donation goes into the “Fight Fund.” All efforts to promote and service the Fight Fund are donated by the Labor Council, the United Way and the Labor Tribune.


Apprentice – $1 to $12/ George Washington Honor Roll

Journeyman – $13-50/Andrew Jackson Honor Roll

Steward – $51-$99/Ulysses S. Grant Honor Roll

Chief Steward – $100 +/Ben Franklin Honor Roll

Job Foreman – $1,000 +/ Grover Cleveland Honor Roll

In Memoriam – to honor a lovedone or friend or fellow union member.

The Fight Honor Roll is published the first week of each month in the Labor Tribune to acknowledge the kindness and generosity of donors.


If you are in need of emergency financial help, please don’t be too proud to ask for assistance. Here’s how:

• First, you must contact your local union who will verify membership;

• Second, your local will forward your name to the labor liaison staff at the United Way who will then process requests in line with established criteria.

• A check is then issued from the Fight Fund maintained at the Labor Council.

No direct requests to the United Way for this help will be accepted; only referrals from a local union will be honored.

All contacts are strictly confidential!


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