Career fair July 30 will help build connections for those seeking union work

Career FairSt. Louis Emerging Labor Leaders (StELL) is hoping to make a connection for job seekers and those interested in joining a trades union with a career fair on July 30 at the Ferguson Community Center.

“It’s not a job fair it is a Labor fair to educate the community about Labor and how to obtain a good labor job,” said StELL President Gordon Smith Jr. (CWA 6300). “Communication workers, painters, sheet metal, iron workers and others are already planning to attend.”

Table space is free for unions that want to participate.


“Our goal is to educate the community about unions and union membership and give them the opportunity to reach out and try to grab one of those jobs, and help them find out the education you need to try to obtain one of these jobs,” Smith said

Smith is inviting every union in the St. Louis area to send a representative to the career fair prepared to describe what it takes to get into the union, what education is needed, how to get into an apprenticeship program and what will be expected.


StELL is putting together an ad book that will be provided to job fair attendees with contact information to help them get started.

Ad space is being offered at $200 for a full-page, $150 for a half-page and $100 for a business card ad to help defray the costs.

Make checks payable to St. Louis Labor Council and write StELL Fair in the memo line.


For more information, contact Smith at or call 314-593-5513.

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