Cement Masons Local 527 honors longtime members Posted on January 16, 2017 |
Cement Masons Local 527 recently recognized its longstanding members with a gold card and pin ceremony that honored 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70-year members.
Sixty-year gold card and pin recipients Joseph Brcic, William Harris and Fred Huellinghoff were recognized, but were not in attendance.
70-YEAR MEMBER: Business Manager Kurt Dierkes (front row, left) honored 70-year gold card and pin recipient Stanford Rudolph with (back row, from left) Business Representative Jim Renick, Business Representative Joe Knott, President Bill Maxey and Financial Secretary Brad Campbell.
50-YEAR MEMBERS (front row, from left) Business Manager Kurt Dierkes honored 50-year gold card and pin recipients Jack Spegal and John Lorraine with (back row, from left) Business Representative Jim Renick, Business Representative Joe Knott, President Bill Maxey and Financial Secretary Brad Campbell. Not in attendance was 50-year member Bill Brown.
40-YEAR MEMBERS: (front row, from left) Business Manager Kurt Dierkes honored 40-year gold card and pin recipient Retired Business Representative Keith Thompson (center) with Financial Secretary Brad Campbell (back row, from left) Business Representative Jim Renick, Business Representative Joe Knott and President Bill Maxey. Forty-year members not in attendance were Michael Davis, Gilberto Fierro Jr. James Fryer, Daniel Mersman and Richard Hemmer.
30-YEAR MEMBERS: (front row, from left) Business Manager Kurt Dierkes honored 30-year gold card and pin recipients Jeffrey Caputa, Daniel Dorais and Michael Lewis with (back row, from left) Business Representative Jim Renick, Business Representative Joe Knott, President Bill Maxey and Financial Secretary Brad Campbell. Thirty-year members not in attendance were Michael Freeman, Kirk Olendorff, Michael Pangburn and Robert Plumlee.
25-YEAR MEMBERS: Honoring 25-year pin recipient Kevin Woolbright (front row, center) were (front row, from left) Business Manager Kurt Dierkes, (Woolbright) Financial Secretary Brad Campbell (back row, from left) Business Representative Jim Renick, Business Representative Joe Knott and President Bill Maxey. Not in attendance were 25-year pin recipients Mark Crosby, Matthew Mullen and Trustee June Schall.
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