UPDATED: Closings, Cancellations & Postponements due to COVID-19 restrictions

[UPDATED 10:46 a.m., May 26, 2020] The following union offices and events have been cancelled or postponed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Check with your union hall or the organizers of your event for any meetings or events not listed.

If you are aware of additional events that have been cancelled or rescheduled, please contact Labor Tribune Editor Tim Rowden at 314-258-6769 or email tim@labortribune.com or email news@labortribune.com.


• North County Labor Club cancels it annual picnic scheduled for June 1. Plans for this year’s event included a tribute to North County Labor Club co-founder Dick Kellett, who passed away earlier this year. The picnic and the tribute will be rescheduled for a later date.

• The Jefferson County Labor Club has cancelled its Oct. 17 Comedy Night fundraiser due to the coronavirus pandemic. Those interested in making a donation to the committee can make checks payable to the “Main Event” and mail them to Wayne Stanley, #4 Main St., Festus, MO 63028 or call Committee Chairman Tom Leonard, of Sheet Metal Workers Local 36, at 314-520-3159.


• Bricklayers Local 1 – All meetings are cancelled until further notice.

• CWA Local 6300 union hall is closed and all scheduled meetings and events at the hall are cancelled.

• IAM Local Lodges 688 and 822 April meetings have been cancelled.  Nominations for 2020 Convention Delegates will take place at their May 2020 meetings.

• IBEW Local 1 has cancelled all meetings and events for the next eight weeks. The union hall will be closed for walk-in business effective March 18. However, the hall will be staffed and you are encouraged to call 314-647-5900 with questions. The St. Louis Electrical Industry Training Center will be closed during the eight-week period as well. Day school apprentices will report to work five days a week.

• Ironworkers Local 392 has cancelled its March 27 union meeting and the union hall is closed to foot traffic. School is also cancelled for 1st and 2nd year apprentices. School is not cancelled for 3rd or 4th year apprentices.

• Laborers Local 42 has cancelled its March union meeting. Staff members are available via phone at 314-531-1187.

• Laborers Local 110 has cancelled its April union meeting and all upcoming retiree events. The Union’s lobby has been closed until further notice.

• Laborers Local 660 has closed the lobby in its Union Hall until April 1. Members can reach the office via phone or email.

• Operating Engineers Local 148 has cancelled its April general membership meeting and its retirees meeting and in-person visits to the hall are restricted. Staff members are available via phone and email.

• Operating Engineers Local 513 has cancelled all April meetings. The training center will not offer any classes or training and or accept any applications until April 6. The hall is still open, but members are asked to refrain from coming in and contacting staff via phone or email.

• Painters District Council 58 – In accordance with the International. Painters DC3 is suspending window dues for April. If you are current, it will be applied to the next month. If you are not current, it will be applied to the next month.

• Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 101 has canceled all union meetings and activities, including apprenticeship classes until further notice. Local 101 also requests that any union business be conducted via phone or email.

• Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562 Union office, Health and Welfare office employees are working remotely. The April 2020 membership meeting has been cancelled. Staff members can still be reached by calling the 562’s main phone line at 314-355-1000. Apprentice day and night school and Journeyman night school are canceled until further notice. Journeyman re-certification class participants will be notified personally. Visit www.local562.org for the most up to date information

• Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 has cancelled all meetings and events at its union hall as well as its apprenticeship school.

• United Auto Workers (UAW) 2250 has cancelled or postponed all trips, events and meetings until further notice.

• United Steelworkers Local 1899 has cancelled all regular union meetings and is requesting that members limit coming to the union hall in person if business can be conducted over the phone. The phone number is 618-452-1899.

• Teamsters Local 600 – In accordance with COVID-19 guidelines, the office of Local 600 will be open, but access will be limited to the secured entryway.

• Teamsters Local 660 Golden Age Retirees Club monthly meetings are cancelled until further notice. Retirees Club meetings are normally held on the second Friday of each month and may resume tentatively on May 8, 2020.


The 28th annual National Association of Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger® food drive, which was scheduled for May 9, 2020, has been postponed. The NALC and its national partners are committed to rescheduling the food drive later in 2020; however a new date has not been set.

•  Rebuilding Together St. Louis has been postponed to the middle of June. Organizers will revisit closer to June to see if the event needs to be pushed back to the fall.


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