Donation helps two veterans’ homes celebrate Medicare

TO HELP VETERANS in two local veteran’s homes celebrate the upcoming Medicare anniversary, delegates at last week’s St. Louis Labor Council meeting donated $246 in a spontaneous collection. Splitting up the money are Missouri Alliance for Retired American President Dave Meinell and Labor Council Assistant to the President Christine Brame. – Labor Tribune photo

The Missouri Alliance for Retired Americans (MoARA) celebrated the 48th anniversary of Medicare on July 30 by supporting bingo games for retired military veterans at two St. Louis veterans’ homes, President David Meinell announced at a recent St. Louis Labor Council delegate meeting.

To help support the games, and to provide vets with prize money and a huge “Happy Birthday Medicare” cake, an on-the-spot collection from delegates raised $246 to be split between the two homes.

“We deeply appreciate the delegates’ help,” Meinell said. “The vets know how important Medicare is to their survival and we want them to know how much the Labor Movement appreciates their service.”

The two homes participating are the St. Louis Veterans Home, holding its bingo on Aug. 16, and the St. James Veterans Home, Aug. 18.


If enough are funds raised, not only will game winners get a small cash prize, every participant will receive a small, “Thank you vet” donation for their own personal use as needed.

A number of other organizations are also participating.

Anyone wishing to donate to help the event may send a check payable to MoARA to Dave Meinell at the St. Louis Labor Council, 3301 Hollenberg Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044.

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