End Citizens United endorses Senator McCaskill for re-election

END CITIZENS UNITED, a political action committee funded by grassroots donors, has endorsed U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) for re-election citing her outspoken criticism of the dangers of unlimited undisclosed money in our elections. “The race in Missouri is critical to deciding whether the Senate will be controlled by politicians who are in the pockets of special interests or reformers who want to return our democracy to the people,” ECU President Tiffany Muller said. – Politico photo



End Citizens United (ECU) has endorsed Senator Claire McCaskill for re-election in Missouri. McCaskill has been a strong advocate for transparency and accountability in Washington, where special interests can spend unlimited money, often in secret, to influence elections.

“ECU is proud to endorse Senator Claire McCaskill. Whether it’s a town hall in rural Missouri or the halls of Congress, Senator McCaskill isn’t afraid to speak out against the dangers of unlimited, undisclosed money in our elections,” said Tiffany Muller, ECU president.

“The race in Missouri is critical to deciding whether the Senate will be controlled by politicians who are in the pockets of special interests or reformers who want to return our democracy to the people. McCaskill is a powerful voice for change and we stand with her against the shady special interests who are trying to prop up her opponent.”


“The Citizens United Supreme Court decision has had a corrupting influence on American democracy in ways that we have never seen before,” said McCaskill.

“Missourians – and all Americans – deserve to know who is bankrolling the ads they see on TV and hear on the radio. I am proud to be endorsed by End Citizens United and will continue to fight hard to return transparency and accountability to our elections.

“McCaskill’s fierce support of the DISCLOSE Act and a constitutional amendment to overturn the disastrous Citizens United decision, offers a clear contrast to Josh Hawley, who has been previously endorsed by Citizens United, the group which spearheaded the Supreme Court case.


The Springfield News-Leader, in a recent report, showed that Hawley lied to Missourians, saying he created a “testing the waters” committee back in August when in fact he registered with the Federal Election Commission as a campaign, a move that allowed him to raise money far beyond an exploratory committee’s limits. Hawley officially announced his candidacy earlier last month.

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