Frontline nursing home workers at Northview Village demand new owners recognize their union contract


Frontline workers at Northview Village Nursing Home, represented by SEIU Healthcare Missouri, gathered Sept. 21 in front of the facility at 2415 Kingshighway Blvd. in St. Louis to demand the nursing home’s new owners recognize their union contract, make improvements to the facility, and treat workers with dignity and respect. They were joined by St. Louis Alderwoman Megan Green (pictured speaking) and a representative from Congresswoman Cori Bush’s office.

Workers have experienced a trend sweeping St. Louis City nursing homes as out-of-state corporations purchase nursing homes in predominantly black neighborhoods. These companies don’t hire enough full-time regular staff, should provide additional training at employer cost, and do more to respond to employee complaints about health and safety.

Over the last two years, a local office of the National Labor Relations Board has found merit to allegations that some of these out-of-state employers have committed unfair labor practices. Nursing home workers united in SEIU Healthcare are building a movement to improve standards for workers and residents in the face of unconcerned owners with no commitment to our communities.



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