IBEW 4’s Mike Pendergast honored as 2017 Labor Irishman of the Year
Cites his members as the ‘real labor leaders’
IBEW Local 4 Business Manager Mike Pendergast has been honored as the Labor Irishman of the Year in a fun-filled St. Patrick’s Day Ceremony sponsored annually by the 100-percent union Norwood Hills County Club for its annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration.
Also honored were Maggie O’Brien’s Ed McVey as Irish Businessman of the Year and U.S. Attorney Jim Crowe as Irish Lawyer of the Year.
In accepting the honor Pendergast paid tribute to his members, the broadcast technicians, as the real “labor leaders… for whom I have the privilege to represent.
“My labor leaders go to work each day, perform their work assignments, and contribute to the achievements and successes of their employers. They sacrifice for their families and serve as role models for their kids.
“My labor leaders believe in supporting the common good of the communities in which they live.”
And he put in a strong condemnation of the phony “right-to-work” law before the many businessmen and civic leaders at the event:
“And, oh, by the way, (my members) don’t appreciate outsiders telling them how to run the affairs of their union or interfering in their relationships with their employers.”
Previous “notorious Irishmen” honorees from Labor have included St. Louis Labor Council President Pat White, President of the Missouri State Building Trades Council (member of Insulators Local 1) Missouri State Senator Gina Walsh and deceased Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 562 Business Manager Jim O’Mara.
The club honors both Irish members of the club and non-club member Irishmen throughout the St. Louis community in a wide variety of professions who symbolize the spirit of the Irish through their commitment to the community and helping others, which were Pendergast, McVey and Crowe.
Club members recognized were Bill Hebron, Irish Businessman of the Year and Dr. Jack Kelley, Irish Physician of the Year.
Walsh also presented Pendergast with a Missouri Senate resolution congratulating Pendergast for his 33 year as a member of Local 4, serving as its business manager/financial secretary-treasurer for the past 24 years and senior business representative for three years before that.
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