Laborers 110 donates $8,300 to $5 for the Fight

Help for union members impacted by COVID-19

Laborers Local 110 has donated $8,298 to the St. Louis Labor Council’s $5 for the Fight Fund to help fellow union members adversely impacted by the coronavirus.

The money was a rebate Local 110 earned from last year’s purchase of Schnucks gift cards. The $5 for the Fight Fund is an emergency financial relief fund administered by the St. Louis Labor Council and the United Way to help union members in need.

“We learned at last week’s Labor Council’s executive board meeting that stagehands, hotel and restaurant workers, SEIU members and others are being hit hard economically by the COVID-19 virus,” said Local 110 Business Manager Don Willey.

“We wanted to do something to help our union brothers and sisters affected by this virus, and there’s no better way to do that than to donate to the $5 for the Fight Fund. Sonja (Gholston-Byrd) and Rose (McCowan) from the United Way will make sure that money gets to those who truly need it.”

Donations to the $5 for the Fight Fund can be made by check or online, and 100 percent of each donation goes directly to the Fund. You can donate by:

  • Mailing a check or money order to $5 for the Fight, c/o St. Louis Labor Council, 3301 Hollenberg Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044. Please include your union affiliation.
  • Making online donation, An option to create a reoccurring automated donation is also available.

If you are in need of emergency financial help, you can call the Labor Assistance Line at the United Way at 314-539-4189.

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