Laborers hosting Opioid Epidemic/Drug-Free Workplace Conference


541971_221655621273460_560217992_nTo increase awareness, address advocacy opportunities and present action items in the fight against opioid addiction, the LiUNA Midwest Region is hosting an Opioid Epidemic/Drug-Free Workplace Conference on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 1 and the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 2 at the River City Hotel in south St. Louis County.

The conference will include a prescription drug abuse/heroin epidemic overview, personal stories of recovery and loss, discussion of treatment and a law enforcement perspective.

The conference will also include a health fair, discussion of maintaining a drug-free workplace and discussion of mental health first-aid in recognizing behavioral health issues.

The conference is open to other trades. However, attendees must register prior to the conference.

For more information or to register, contact Angie Taylor or Kathy Utter at the LiUNA Midwest Regional Office at 800-218-2253.


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