YOUR LETTERS: Time to change Missouri’s voting process


Missouri has some of the most outdated election laws in the country — laws that are currently preventing us from meeting the challenge of the COVID-19 crisis. We need Governor Mike Parson, Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and our legislature to act now.

The plan to make our elections safe, accessible, and secure is straightforward. It’s in line with what the CDC says we need to do, and these advancements are based on what has already been working in red, blue, and purple states around the country:

  1. Early voting for at least two weeks before Election Day, so voters can cast their ballots when it’s convenient, and do so at low-traffic times when there are smaller crowds.
  2. No-excuse absentee voting to allow voters to cast their absentee ballots by mail, and to give local election officials the flexibility and ability to provide the voting options their communities need.
  3. Streamlined online and automatic voter registration to ensure voter rolls are up to date, and to make sure that new voters can be registered safely and efficiently.
  4. Funding for our local election authorities to respond to emerging challenges in elections we know will have huge voter turnout.

Our right to vote is sacred, and the stakes for our upcoming elections couldn’t be higher. We must act now to ensure that no matter our current situation or where we live, all of our voices will be heard. Go to to sign the petition.

Republican and Democratic election officials around the country have paved the way, and it’s time for Missouri to modernize our elections for the challenges of 2020, and beyond.

Together, we can ensure every Missourian can make their voice heard — safely — this November.

Policy Director
Missouri Jobs With Justice


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