Machinists collecting food for Operation Backpack
Machinists District 9 Local Lodges are conducting a food drive for Operation Backpack, which helps meet the nutritional needs of children in the Warren County R-III School District over weekends and holidays when there is not enough food at home. The food is given to the children each week on Friday before school is dismissed.
Donations should be made to Lodge 777, 12635 St. Charles Rock Rd., Bridgeton, MO by Friday, Dec. 9. The donations will be delivered to Warren County School District on Monday, Dec. 12, and additional donations can be brought at that time.
Organizers will meet at the Orschlen Farm & Home parking lot in Warrenton at 10 a.m. to deliver the food donations to the schools.
“Unfortunately the need is there,” said Scott Hargis, trustee for Lodge 777. “Being Machinists, we’re blessed through our wages and our jobs to be able to contribute. It’s just a way for us to give back and say thank you. It’s an honor just being able to help kids in our community.”
Types of food that are needed include bottled water, non-perishable foods, canned goods such as pasta, vegetables, fruit, chicken, stews, and individual snacks such as cookies, crackers, chips, fruit snacks, etc.
No fresh fruits or powdered drink.
Donations should have the UPC codes crossed out.
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