Port Council to honor Labor, management leaders at golf tournament, awards dinner Sept. 25
The Greater St. Louis Area Port Council will honor Labor and management leaders at its Fourth Annual Golf Tournament and awards dinner Wednesday, Sept. 25, at The Courses at Forest Park.
The golf outing will begin with a four-person scramble shotgun start at noon. The awards dinner will follow the tournament. Proceeds benefit the Council’s PAC fund.
This year’s honorees include:
- Labor Man of the Year – Mark Woolbright, 2nd District vice president, International Association of Fire Fighters.
- Management Man of the Year – Robert Bray, president, TSI Global Companies.
Able Helmsman Award Honoree – Kim R. Besserman, executive director of the St. Louis County Fire Standards Committee, retired Pattonville Fire Protection District fire fighter and IAFF Local 2665 member.
The Port Council is an affiliate of the AFL-CIO Maritime Trades Department, which includes 21 port and maritime councils and 21 international unions representing almost five million workers in the United States and Canada.
The entry fee for the tournament is $600 per four-person team and includes 18 holes of golf with cart, lunch, dinner and open bar.
Skins are $20 per team.
Hole sponsorships are $100.
Premiere Golf/Dinner sponsorships for the whole shebang are $750, including one foursome, one hole sponsorship, 20 50/50 raffle tickets, lunch, dinner and open bar.
Dinner sponsorships are $40 and include dinner and an open bar starting at 5:30 p.m.
Make checks payable to Greater St. Louis Area & Vicinity Port Council, c/o Bryan Powell, Secretary-Treasurer, 4581 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, MO 63116.
For more information, registration or sponsorship information, email portcouncil.stlouis@gmail.com.
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