Pro-worker Trish Gunby ready to take on anti-worker Ann Wagner in 2nd Congressional District race
Introduces herself to Labor Council delegates, asks for Labor’s support
State. Rep. Trish Gunby (D-Ballwin) announced to St. Louis Labor Council delegates Nov. 16 that she is taking on Congresswomen Ann Wagner (R) in the Aug. 2022 primary.
Wagner voted AGAINST the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that will bring almost $7 billion in new job-creating construction spending to Missouri. Representing Missouri’s 2nd District since 2013, Wagner has consistently voted against any and all legislation that would benefit working families but heartily supported the euphemistically named Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 that provided massive tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires but left working people holding the bag.
Proudly noting that she has supported the issues that are important to working families since winning election to the Missouri Legislature in 2019, Gunby is asking for Labor’s support.
Gunby believes Wagner’s anti-worker voting record, which stands in stark contrast to her own worker-oriented voting record, should make the difference in the election, allowing her to “bring a voice that is more in keeping with what I think the beliefs are in the 2nd Congressional District” to Washington.
With a 100 percent positive voting record with the Missouri AFL-CIO on issues of importance to working families, Gunby urged delegates to visit her website at to review her record for themselves.
Gunby thanked Organized Labor for the help she was given in her state race and said she hoped to earn the same support in this race.
The AFL-CIO Committee On Political Education (COPE) has yet to make an official endorsement in the race. The Missouri AFL-CIO makes endorsements for national offices with recommendations from local Labor councils. That process won’t begin until the close of candidate filings on March 29, 2022.
St. Louis Labor Council President Pat White noted that there are tens of thousands of registered union members in the 2nd District and their support could make the difference.
In a flyer provided to delegates discussing why she’s decided to run, Gunby noted, “I believe public servants should work for the people they serve, not their own self-interest…
I’ll stand up for our values, protect our democracy and make decisions that put Missourians first.”
To date, there are two other Democratic candidates in the Aug. 2, 2022 primary race:
• Raymond Reed, who formerly worked for the Missouri Democratic Party and as outreach coordinator for Fun Without Guns Inc.
• Ben Samuels, who describes himself on his website as “businessperson, an economic policy expert, and a bipartisan problem-solver.” He formerly served as managing operations officer for the Mayor of Chicago.
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