Workers, worker-friendly lawmakers react to the resignation of Gov. Eric Greitens


We Are Missouri, the coalition organized to defeat Prop A (RTW)

“While Eric Greitens’ resignation is likely to dominate news this week, there are far more important issues facing the people of Missouri. We remain focused as ever on defeating Proposition A, which poses a greater threat to working people in this state than any individual politician ever could.

“A change in the Governor’s Mansion will not change the fact that we are currently facing the fight of our lives to protect wages, jobs, and our voice in the workplace. We collected signatures from over 310,000 people to put this measure on the ballot, and we are hard at work mobilizing to make sure every one of them can cast a No vote on August 7.

“We are confident that Missouri’s next governor will preside over a state where working families can count on good jobs and fair wages, thanks to a No vote on Proposition A August 7.” 



president of the Missouri AFL-CIO

“Actions and policies have plagued the state of Missouri and a new chapter is upon us. We have a lot of work to do.

“Recent developments in the Missouri Legislature have continued to be a constant distraction for Missourians. Far right-wing policies and actions have placed a dark cloud over our state. We must set all personal feelings aside and work together for a Missouri that works for, not against, hard-working men and women. A new chapter in Missouri is beginning and we will go forward, more united and dedicated than ever before to fight for the working people of Missouri.

“We have a battle to win, we have workers that we must fight for. Let’s move forward in our fight to defeat Proposition A by Voting NO in August to keep Missouri’s working families in the forefront of what is best for Missouri.”



president of the St. Louis Labor Council

“This proves that he never deserved the vote of the people of Missouri and being given the great job of governor of our state. This guy came out of nowhere, and so many people voted for him. He did so much damage to the working men and women of this state, all for the sake of money. We plan on changing some of that (this fall) but the damage is done. Let’s hope this is enough to make the voters of Missouri take elections seriously, because they do have consequences.”


Senate Minority Leader GINA WALSH,

retired member of Heat & Frost Insulators Local 1 and president of the Missouri State Building and Construction Trades Council

“Innocent people don’t resign and criminals don’t get let off the hook simply because they cut and run. Missourians deserve to know what laws were broken, what lies were told, and how deep the corruption went.”


Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway

“Corruption in state government became worse than ever under Eric Greitens. That corruption must be cleaned up, and our state’s reputation must be restored. This can only happen if leaders put the needs of Missourians ahead of themselves.”


Senator SCOTT SIFTON (D-Affton)

“Hopefully Missouri Republicans and Democrats will show the same determination and cooperation in passing a law requiring disclosure of dark money donors as they did in investigating Gov. Greitens.

“That the Governor’s breaking point turned out to be a court order requiring disclosure of his donors says everything about why the public deserves to know where the money is coming from.”

Rep. DOUG BECK (D-Affton),

a member of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 562

“The Governor resigning today still leaves a lot of unanswered questions on corruption within our government. I believe these investigations should continue and we get the facts on all the alleged wrong doings. My hope for Missouri is we can restore faith in our state government.”


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