Todd Schnuck backtracks on yet another issue. Real class!

Todd SchnuckSchnuck says ‘If you want something to work, you have to work at it’ but he refuses to do so with the Teamsters

If it weren’t so sad, it would be humorous.

In accepting his Management Man of the Year Award at last year’s Port Council dinner, Schnuck CEO Todd Schnuck launched another The Donald turnaround; both apparently willing to say one thing but then do exactly the opposite.

This time it has to do with negotiating with his unions.

Schnuck said that in dealing with David Cook, president of United Food & Commercial Workers Local 655, the largest union at Schnucks:

“People ask me how our family has stayed together over the years. What I tell them is that if you want something to work, you have to work at it.”

He related that to his union approach: “We don’t just talk every three years when our contract comes up… We sit with Dave Cook and his team and we talk…”

That was a year ago.

OneDayDentures.2x4.6-2-16BUT HE WON’T TALK!

However today, Schnuck refuses to explain why the company is not following the contract they signed that clearly states Teamsters Local 688 warehouse men and women have the right to their jobs at the company’s new warehouse now under construction.

“Let’s do what we each can do to build good union jobs,” Schnuck concluded to a standing ovation at his award dinner.


“I’d settle for a meeting over a cup of coffee, so we can have a heart-to-heart discussion over the future of 234 men and women, many who have given their entire working lives to this company, the people Schnuck now wants to throw out on the street,” said Mike Goebel, Local 688’s chief executive officer.

Local 688 has offered to meet to negotiate the contract issue of keeping their jobs. Schnuck refuses, instead wanting to negotiate a payoff for the workers being fired.

It seems Todd Schnuck is willing to say one thing to please one audience, but then do exactly the opposite to another. Now that’s a classy Donal Trump move.

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