UFCW 655 launches telephone Town Hall meetings preparing for new Schnucks/Dierbergs contract


In preparation for upcoming contract talks between UFCW Local 655 and Schnucks Markets and Dierbergs Markets, the union has instituted a unique, extensive new membership contact program that combines the normal in-person membership meetings with live telephone Town Hall conference calls.

“We want to give every member the opportunity to be heard on their new contract,” said David Cook, Local 655 president.

“In today’s busy world it’s often difficult for members to get to an in person meeting so by instituting a series of telephone Town Halls, where members can have their issues heard from the convenience of their own home, hear issues raised by others and have an open conversation with their leadership, we ensure reaching for the largest number of members covered by this important contract,” Cook said.

The Schnucks and Dierbergs contracts are the two largest of the union’s many agreements in both the food industry as well as other industries. The combined contracts cover almost 8,000 members. The current contract expires May 12, 2019.


  • Telephone town hall contract meetings: On March 7 at 9 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. The first of these calls was made on March 6. The local is placing calls to all members for whom they have a phone number on file. If a member does not receive a call or accidentally disconnects from the call, they can participate by calling 1-855 -840–6970.
  • In-person meeting: Tuesday March 12 at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the Union hall, 300 Weidman Road in Ballwin.

For more information: ufcw655.org/opening.


  1. It’s been 3 months since our contract was expired. Not one word from union rep on what is going on. Dierbergs employee. What’s the issue with getting information to the members. Thanks


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