United Way makes urgent plea for Labor’s support for 2021 Giving Campaign

ST. LOUIS LABOR COUNCIL President Pat White is urging union members and Labor organizations to step up support for the United Way’s annual giving campaign. The United Way’s staff of Labor liaisons each year provides confidential support to some 600 union families facing unexpected financial hardships. – Labor Tribune photo

Through the United Way of Greater St. Louis’ partnership with the St. Louis Labor Council, Madison County Federation of Labor and Southwestern Illinois Central Labor Council, more than 600 families receive confidential help each year from the organization’s staff of Labor liaisons.

Help is just a phone call away for union members who seek guidance and referral to Labor and community resources. But in order to provide that help, the United Way needs your help, especially now with fundraising efforts hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for assistance greater than ever.

The United Way’s Labor Engagement Vice President Sonja Gholston-Byrd, and Director of Labor Engagement Rosemary McCowan attended last month’s St. Louis Labor Council delegate meeting with an urgent plea for support.

“It’s been difficult for us to make sure we have some assurance and a safety net if anything happens to any of our members,” Gholston-Byrd said. “At this time of year, we would have been in 130 different workplaces, but with the pandemic, we don’t get to see you and talk to you.”

Labor Council President Pat White said unions, their members and Labor organizations and allies soon will be receiving a letter requesting their help with the annual giving campaign. Many union members support the United Way through payroll deductions. You can also submit donations via check or request to be billed.

“If you can bump up that donation by three-to-five percent, we’d really appreciate it,” White said. “Also, if you work with an accounting or law firm, please ask them to make a donation on our behalf and get hold of me so it can go toward our goal.”

Checks can be made payable to the United Way and mailed to the St. Louis Labor Council, 3301 Hollenberg Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044. They will be submitted to the United Way Campaign via the Labor Engagement Department.

Any union member needing assistance with utility payments, food counseling and other non-work related problems can call the United Way Labor Help Line at 314-539-4189.

For more information about the United Way Labor Engagement Department, contact Gholston-Byrd at sonjagbyrd@stl.unitedway.org or McCowan at rose.mccowan@stl.unitedway.org.



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