Working Dads take a terrible hit in RTW states

WORKING DADS have an even harder time supporting their families in so-called “right-to-work” states.

Tragically, RTW is just as bad for working Moms, previous survey shows


In today’s complex world that, more often than not, demands two breadwinners in a family to make ends meet, the traditional role of the “working dad” has not only changed, it is far more difficult in states with the phony “right-to-work” (RTW) law.

In 1960, some 75 percent of American families relied on Dad’s income; Dad worked, Mom stayed at home with the kids. Today, it’s just the opposite: two-thirds of family households depend on two incomes.

Add to that, the role of the modern dad has changed; many become stay-at-home dads taking on the child-rearing role or, rather than working 80 hours a week, want far more family time.

The latest research from Wallet-Hub shows a difference in the lives of working dads when it comes to economic opportunity and quality of life. Depending on the state, says the survey “…some have it better than others.”

The newest Labor Tribune review of the financial services company WalletHub’s report of 20 critical indicators ranging from average length of the work day to child-care costs, to share of men in good or better health, clearly shows that working dads fare far WORSE in states with a disastrous RTW law.


• RTW 19 of the 25 worst states for working Dads (76 percent) are RTW states.

• WITHOUT RTW Only six of the 25 worst states (24 percent) are without a RTW law.


• WITHOUT RTW17 of the 25 best states for working dads (68 percent) have NO RTW law.

• RTWOnly eight of the 25 best states for working dads (32 percent) are RTW states.

Interestingly enough, a similar survey for working moms (Labor Tribune, May 17) showed exactly the same results: conclusion, RTW is equally as bad for working moms as it is for working dads.

These conclusions were reached by the Labor Tribune overlaying the rankings of Best and Worst states from WalletHub to the nation’s RTW and non-RTW states. The WalletHub study did not attempt to draw a comparison between RTW and non-RTW states, eliminating the potential for bias.

Missouri is already ranked the 22nd worst state in America for working dads (and 14th worst for working moms). Our lawmakers should be working to improve working conditions for working moms and dads, rather than passing legislation to make matters worse. Missouri’s working moms and dads deserve better from our elected officials.

Missouri is not very progressive. And the majority of our Missouri Legislature has no interest in making it more so. That’s why it’s so important for everyone reading this article to get out and vote.

Elections have consequences, and every vote matters.

Voting “NO” on Prop A (RTW) on Aug. 7 will help us hold the line and encourage our legislators to begin doing something positive for working moms and dads that will move our state into a “Best State” ranking. Sadly, that’s a challenge our legislators have failed to live up to in many categories as noted in this series.


To determine the best and worst states for working dads, WalletHub compared the 50 states across four key dimensions and 20 different indicators for working dads:

• Economic & Social Well-Being: median family income, unemployment and average freshman graduation rates and share of kids ages 0-17 (with a dad present) living in poverty.

• Work-Life Balance: parental leave policies, length of work day and average commute time.

• Child Care: day care quality, child care costs, pediatricians per capita, quality of state school systems, share of nationally accredited child care centers and number of childcare workers (per children under 14).

• Health: uninsured rates, life expectancy, suicide rates, mental health, share of men in good or better health, physically active rates and unaffordability of doctor’s visits.

Sources include the U.S. Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Council for Community and Economic Research, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Education Statistics, National Partnership for Women & Families, Child Care Aware of America, Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation and WalletHub research.


The evidence is clear, Prop. A (RTW) will not only fail to create jobs and drive down wages and benefits and make workplaces less safe, living under RTW threatens the well-being of you and your family.

Missourians will have a chance on Aug. 7 to defeat RTW by voting NO on PROP A, sending a clear message to Missouri lawmakers that we don’t want to join the ranks of Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and other states where working people can’t earn a fair return on their work and the wealthiest 1% and their corporate lobbyists use this anti-worker law to enrich themselves at the expense of workers and working families.

Prop. A will determine whether Missouri will become another RTW state. Working moms and dads, and the people who love them will appreciate it if you Vote NO on Prop. A.

Protect your family, protect your pay, vote NO on Prop A.

See previous Why Vote No on Prop A stories:

Part 8. Children’s education in RTW states stinks

Part 9. For Millennials, RTW is an albatross to their future hopes of living the American Dream

Part 10. Living in RTW states is more dangerous for everyone, but especially students


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