YOUR LETTERS: Not good fiscal policy
We thought The Post-Dispatch headline (on Aug. 31) said it all, “Missouri has paid ousted general’s consulting firm more than $500,000 for coronavirus advice.” Until (Sept, 3), when the Post updated the story: “Controversial pandemic consultant gets another $300,000 from Missouri.”
That’s right a total of $800,000 of Missouri’s CARES Act funding, meant to cover COVID-19 related expenses such as testing, PPE, and emergency food delivery, is going to a Virginia-based consulting firm less than a month after the governor said he wasn’t going to hire the firm.
Is our state leadership so inept that they need a high-paid consulting firm to help us decide how to spend money for Missourians? As a member of the House Budget Committee, I have done the work and I know spending that much for a consultant in Virginia is not good fiscal policy.
Stay safe.
State Representative
Candidate, MO Senate, Dist. 15
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