YOUR LETTERS: Voters reject extremism in win for democracy and freedom


In a year when democracy, freedom, public education, public safety and economic security were on the ballot, voters overwhelmingly rejected MAGA extremism and fear.

They stood up for who we are as a country. They stood up for democracy and against election deniers. They stood up for the right of women to make decisions about their reproductive health, and against chaos and hate.

Our country remains deeply divided — and there were many heartbreaking losses. But voters in so many close races elected problem solvers rather than problem makers.

When public education was on the ballot, public education mainly won. Dynamic, progressive governors who ran on a positive agenda focused on the promise and potential of public schools prevailed. Ballot initiatives in California, Massachusetts and New Mexico passed. Even in Florida, against millions spent by Ron DeSantis, levies boosting funding for schools saw widespread success.

These results show a deep reservoir of support for public schools and for the sustained investment that parents want to help their kids thrive. And the endorsement of collective bargaining provisions in multiple states and cities comes at a time when the labor movement—including unions representing educators — maintains strong and enduring approval. AFT members — educators, healthcare workers, public employees, and retirees — campaigned relentlessly for what our kids and communities need, and those efforts made a difference.

President, American Federation of Teachers


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