2nd Dist. Incumbent Wagner, afraid to debate issues with challenger Bill Otto, is no show for debate


INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE because he’s not afraid to meet voters, U.S. 2nd District candidate Bill Otto (center shaking hands) meets with workers at a recent rally, unlike incumbent Ann Wagner who did not show up for a League of Women’s voters debate and is apparently afraid to interact with the general public because of her terrible record. – Labor Tribune photo
INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE because he’s not afraid to meet voters, U.S. 2nd District candidate Bill Otto (center shaking hands) meets with workers at a recent rally, unlike incumbent Ann Wagner who did not show up for a League of Women’s voters debate and is apparently afraid to interact with the general public because of her terrible record. – Labor Tribune photo

Wagner has lots to hide so she’s afraid to show up for public debate


Afraid to expose her considerable vulnerabilities and avoiding public scrutiny at all costs, 2nd District incumbent Congresswoman Ann Wagner was a NO SHOW at a recent debate with challenger Bill Otto sponsored by the League of Women Voters. Otto is endorsed by the AFL-CIO COPE.

“What is she afraid of?” asked a person online.

If the blogs are any indication, she has plenty to hide. Take this from a letter to the editor from Terry Gates published in the Kirkwood/Webster Times:

  • Her spearheading HB 1090 in the House, giving further license to so-called “financial advisors” who are nothing more than the sales force for the companies that pay them.
  • Her vote to give the Washington, D.C., schools $60 million for a voucher program instead of using the same money to help strengthen the public schools there.
  • Her “science-blindness” that translates into resistance to any attempts to study the climate-change phenomenon, the single most important global challenge of our age.
  • Her dismal record on environmental issues such as lead paint, daily life-threatening facts of living (and dying) for people when the causes for harm are known.

Then add to that her treatment of veterans.

“Party rubber-stamp politicians like Ann Wagner have cut funding for veterans healthcare, the care returning soldiers see has plummeted during her tenure, and it’s a national disgrace. It’s time we stood up and demanded our country keep its promise to our veterans,” Otto said. Otto is a Navy veteran who believes it has been way too long since Congress did what the American people actually want or need.

We need to bring grassroots experience to Washington, people like Otto who understand what it’s like to work for a living. Otto is just that person. He is a veteran union air traffic controller, two-term state representative representing parts of St. Louis County and St. Charles County and served three terms on the Bridgeton City Council.

Otto is incredibly proud to be called a champion for Missouri’s blue-collar values that earned him the COPE endorsement.

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