Union Veterans’ rally for Brendan Kelly postponed


Collinsville, IL – The union veterans’ rally and canvass on behalf of Congressional candidate Brendan Kelly scheduled for this Saturday at the IBEW Local 309 hall in Collinsville has been postponed.

The Labor Tribune received notice of the cancellation after this week’s Oct. 18 print edition went to press.

Organizers said the event will be rescheduled as part of the AFL-CIO’s Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts closer to Election Day.

“There has never been a more vital time for our veterans and their families to have a true voice in their state capitals and in the halls of Congress,” said Will Attig, executive director of the AFL-CIO’s Union Veterans Council. “The Union Veterans Council has drawn a line in the sand for working class veterans and their families. We are fighting to ensure that our veterans have a say in their own economic freedom and future.

Attig is a member of UA Local 160 in Murphysboro.

The Veterans Council is working in partnership with the Illinois AFL-CIO, the Southwestern Illinois Central Labor Council and the Greater Madison County Federation of Labor to encourage union veterans, their families, friends and any to the polls in support of Kelly and other worker-friendly candidates

Kelly, the Democratic nominee in Illinois’ 12th Congressional District, has pulled into a dead heat with incumbent Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro).

“Navy veteran Brendan Kelly knows what it’s like to fight, not only for his country but for his community,” Attig said. “This is exactly what the 12th District needs in Washington.”

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