Missouri Working Families Relief Fund almost depleted

Make a contribution to help working families affected by disaster

MAKE A CONTRIBUTION to the Missouri Working Families Relief Fund to help union families affected by this year’s natural disasters at moaflcio.org/missouri-working-families-relief-fund.


This spring and summer, Missouri has been hit hard by natural disasters, from flooding to tornadoes. These disasters hit Missouri workers, and hit some very hard.

In response, the Missouri AFL-CIO has created the Missouri Working Families Relief Fund to lend a hand to workers and especially our sisters and brothers that are still in need of some help.

To date, the Working Families Relief Fund has helped more than 17 union families with donations of food, clothing, water, temporary housing, even automobile repairs made necessary by these disasters.

In a statement, Missouri AFL-CIO President Mike Louis and Secretary-Treasurer Jake Hummel said:

“We’re strongest when we stand together, and this moment is no different. Our union family has led the charge in response to these natural disasters, from first responders to Utility Workers and everyone in between. In the wake of the devastation, unions and their members have come together to offer support, solidarity and hope through this program.

“Unfortunately, our funds are almost depleted and there are many of our sisters and brothers and their families that still need our help.”

If you know of a sister or brother that could use a helping hand right now, please have them call the Missouri AFL-CIO at 573-634-2115 or visit the webpage for the Missouri Working Families Relief Fund at moaflcio.org/missouri-working-families-relief-fund.

You can help by making a small contribution, having your local pass the hat at your next union meeting, or having your local make a contribution to the Missouri Working Families Relief Fund at moaflcio.org/missouri-working-families-relief-fund.

Your contribution will only go to help families. None of this money will go to any politician or political cause; it will go only to working families that need it the most.

For more information, contact Vickie Beck at the Missouri AFL-CIO office at 573-634-2115 or by email at vbeck@moaflcio.org.


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