YOUR LETTERS: Every Missourian should want voting rights legislation


Regarding the June 14 article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, “Hundreds protest Manchin’s opposition to voting law overhaul,” the League of Women Voters of Missouri supports the For the People Act (House Resolution 1), a democracy reform package that would help return self-governing power to everyday Americans. It would stop states, including Missouri, from making it harder for minorities, the elderly, the young, the poor and women to cast a ballot and have their voices heard.

The bill, known as S1 in the Senate, would enhance no-excuse absentee voting, modernize America’s voting system, expand early voting, require independent commissions to draw fair congressional maps, expressly outlaw partisan gerrymandering, and provide reforms to get money out of political campaigns. It would clearly expand voting rights in Missouri.

Research shows a majority of Americans support these federal election reforms. After approval by the U.S. House in March 2021, it is now up for review and a vote by the U.S. Senate.

The Senate rules committee did offer some changes to consider for this bill. There is still room for compromise to attract bipartisan support. Our senators need to hear from Missouri voters who recognize the need to improve election security and protect the democratic process.

As part of the nationwide effort to gain passage of this in the Senate, we are asking citizens to contact Missouri Sens. Roy Blunt and Josh Hawley and ask for their support for S1.

Making it easier to vote is not a partisan issue; it is at the heart of America’s democracy. Every Missourian should support this pro-voter legislation.

Columbia, Mo.
President, League of Women Voters of Missouri
(Reprinted from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Tell senators Blunt and Hawley to support the For the People Act

Senator Roy Blunt
260 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Josh Hawley
212 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510


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