Labor Secretary Walsh meets with striking Kellogg’s workers


President Biden’s Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh, a 32-year member of Laborers Local 223 in Boston, joined Kellogg’s workers on a picket line Oct. 13 – the first time a Labor Secretary has ever joined striking workers.

“You do have support,” Walsh told the workers.

We can show our support for the workers, not just by boycotting products, but sending a message of worker support directly to Kellogg’s CEO Steven Kahillane.

Visit to send a letter voicing your support for Kellogg’s workers.

An automated letter will be provided, but you can personalize it to drive the point home:

  • Keep your letter short and to the point.
  • Remind them that you are a customer (and tell them if you intend to boycott).
  • Make it clear that you support the demands of striking Kellogg’s workers!

Kellogg’s workers, represented by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco, and Grain Milling (BCTGM) union, were forced to strike over the company’s greedy, unsafe and unjustified work practices, including:

  • Kellogg’s has a policy of forcing employees to “volunteer” for overtime, seven days a week, with inconsistent scheduling forcing 24-hour availability.
  • Kellogg’s created a two-tiered system to weed out “legacy” employees, so they can replace them with “transitional” employees. Of course, the only difference between the two is transitional employees make a lot less money ($12 an hour less!), pay for their own healthcare, get less paid vacation and sick days, and aren’t even eligible for a pension.

Kellogg’s released a propaganda video in response to the strike. But instead of being cowed by the corporate pushback, Kellogg’s workers have stiffened their resolve. Now, with support from the White House, workers have the wind at our backs.


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