2012 ‘$5 for Fight’ campaign kicks off; please give what you can; help is still needed


With this issue (Feb. 16-22), we launch the 2012 “$5 for the Fight” campaign to support the many thousands of union families still out of work and needing financial help.

As of last Monday, there was $38,474.38 in the campaign fund to respond to the hundreds of requests still waiting for some form of help for medicines, mortgage aid, rent assistance, etc.

[frame src=”https://labortribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/81267271.jpg” width=”250″ height=”350″ align=”left” style=”2″ linkstyle=”none”]As in last year’s campaign, which raised $134,103 and provided help to 472 families from 66 local unions (again, another huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed), we will publish the Honor Roll every first issue of the month to say “thank you” to our readers, locals, individuals, companies and others who are willing to stand up, or as we say “Buck Up (a few bucks),” and make a contribution to help. No matter how large or small, every donation is a helping hand to a brother or sister in need.

As in the past, we will continue to have four distinct categories and Honor Rolls:

• Apprentice – $1 to $12/ George Washington Honor Roll

• Journeyman – $13-50/Andrew Jackson Honor Roll

• Steward – $51-$99/Ulysses S. Grant Honor Roll

• Chief Steward – $100 +/Ben Franklin Honor Roll

This year we add a fifth category, “In Memoriam” to allow readers the opportunity to honor a loved one or friend or fellow union member.

As an individual’s or a group’s donations add up, their name will be moved up into the new category’s Honor Roll.


There are three ways to donate:

1) Direct contribution – send a check or money order (no cash please) made payable to “$5 for the Fight” and mailed to: $5 for the Fight, c/o St. Louis Labor Council, 3301 Hollenberg Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044. Be sure to include your union affiliation.

2) On line – go to www.labortribune.com, click “$5 for the Fight Donations” to go to a secure donations page.

3) Automatic continuing deduction from your credit card: go to www.labortribune.com, click “$5 for the Fight Donations” to go to a secure donations page, check the “Automatic monthly deduction” and amount. Each month your designated donation will automatically be deducted from your credit card.

Remember that 100 percent of your donation goes into the “Fight Fund.” All efforts to promote and service the Fund are donated by the Labor Council, the United Way and the Labor Tribune.


If you are in need of emergency financial help, please don’t be too proud to ask for assistance. Contact your local union, who will verify membership; the labor liaison staff at the United Way will then process requests in line with established criteria. All contacts are strictly confidential!

In addition to the “$5 for the Fight” funds, the United Way has set aside some monies to help as well. Plus, the United Way can make referrals to other agencies where specific kinds of help and services are available at no cost.


This past year has made it crystal clear that old-fashioned Union Solidarity is alive and well here, despite the tough economic times.

Come on everyone, let’s keep it rolling. Let’s BuckUp for a Union Sister/Brother… we share because we care for one another!


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