Labor Solidarity Rally March 27 in Jeff City. Be There!


Jefferson City – Have you made your plans to attend the Labor Rally here on March 27? If not, it’s time to start planning!

[frame src=”” width=”250″ height=”150″ align=”left” style=”2″ linkstyle=”none” title=”Jefferson City – FILLING THE FRONT LAWN of the State Capitol in 2008, several thousand union members from unions across Missouri made an impact on the State Legislature that was considering a number of anti-worker, anti-union laws that year. All ultimately failed or stalled. This year workers are under even worse attack. We need a much larger crowd at the Labor Solidarity Rally March 27. Be there! – Labor Tribune file photos”]While the rally is a building trades rally to protest to targeting Republicans are doing of critical building trades issues such as prevailing wage and Project Labor Agreements, every union in Missouri is urged to send members because all of labor is under attack with the phony right-to-work legislation that appears, so far, to be stalled in the legislature.

The Labor Solidarity Rally will be held March 27 at 1 p.m. on the steps of the Capitol Building here. If it rains that day, the rally will be cancelled.

In the morning, union members are being asked to roam the Capitol halls and talk to their legislators about this unprecedented attack on all working families, an attack that will impact every worker, union or non-union, and the state’s economy.

“Restrict the ability of any worker to earn a decent wage and you severely impact the economies of communities and the entire state,” said Jeff Aboussie, executive secretary-treasurer of the St. Louis Building Trades Council.

“It’s especially important to our younger members to attend this rally to learn the facts about these attacks because it’s their long-term livelihood that’s at stake,” Aboussie stressed.

The Missouri State Building Trades Council will be providing a handout with a list of the anti-worker, anti-labor bills to leave with legislators. These will be distributed to building trades locals in advance for distribution to their members on the busses. Other unions wanting the cards should contact the Missouri Building Trades at 573-635-5214.

For those who don’t get the cards in advance, they will be available at a special table in front of the Capitol steps anytime after 10:30 a.m.

“We have to take a vital message to our elected representatives that it’s time to quit blaming working people for the ills of the state; that we cannot continue to compete with Mississippi to see who can pay their workers less,” said Missouri Building Trades Council President Tim Green.


A number of unions are renting busses to bring their members. Contact your local union to determine if they will be providing transportation.

For unions providing busses to avoid lots of members driving:

• Bus drop off will be behind the Capitol building (on the river side). Members of the Jefferson City/Columbia Building Trades will be there to direct traffic. Pickups will be in the same place immediately following the rally.

• Bus parking options: (1) arrangements have been made for parking at a lot in Cedar City, a few miles just north of the Jefferson City. Directions will be available at the dropoff station or (2) bus drivers can find a spot in Jefferson City.

For members driving themselves:

• Parking lots are available on east side of the Capitol but tend to fill up fast, or

• Electricians Local 257 is offering their parking lot, 209 Flora Dr. in Jefferson City. They will provide shuttle service to the rally beginning at 10 a.m.


Locals will be responsible for providing lunch for their members. For individuals driving up, there are ample restaurants in the area. The State Council has made arrangements for tables on the third floor of the Rotunda for use by rally attendees.


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