Massive labor rally in Jefferson City March 26 to call for end to anti-worker attacks


Many unions to have buses available; contact your union for details

SOLIDARITY: Thousands of Missouri union members gathered in front of the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City for the Missouri State Building & Construction Trades Council’s Labor Solidarity Rally in 2012. Even more are expected for this year’s Stand Up for Missouri’s Middle Class rally and lobbying day, March 26, to speak out against anti-union, anti-worker attacks in the Missouri Legislature. – Labor Tribune file photo
SOLIDARITY: Thousands of Missouri union members gathered in front of the Missouri State Capitol in Jefferson City for the Missouri State Building & Construction Trades Council’s Labor Solidarity Rally in 2012. Even more are expected for this year’s Stand Up for Missouri’s Middle Class rally and lobbying day, March 26, to speak out against anti-union, anti-worker attacks in the Missouri Legislature.
– Labor Tribune file photo

Jefferson City – Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the Stand Up for Missouri’s Middle Class rally and lobby day in Jefferson City on Wednesday, March 26, to let our elected representatives know we’re fed up and not going to stand by idly while they trample on the rights – and paychecks – of working Missourians!

The rally will be held at noon on the front steps of the Capitol. However, attendees are urged to arrive early and visit with their individual representatives – Democrat or Republican – between 10 and 11:45 a.m. to voice their concerns over the anti-worker agenda that’s being pushed by radical elements of the state’s Republican leadership.

A booth will be located in the front of the Capitol building to help you determine who your representative is and their office location. There will also be a handbill for attendees to give to their representative. It outlines the bills seeking to hurt Missouri’s working families.

The rally is being sponsored by the Missouri State Building & Construction Trades Council with the support of the Missouri AFL-CIO and labor groups throughout the state.

Many unions are sponsoring buses for the rally. Contact your local for details.


• Plan to arrive at the State Capitol between 9-10 a.m. to have time to talk with your local legislators between 10-11:45 a.m.

• Gather on Capitol lawn at 12 p.m. for Rally



For those driving themselves, in addition to the parking garages on the east side of the Capitol building, Electrical Workers Local 257 has opened their parking lot to everyone. The union will operate a shuttle van from their hall to the Capitol. A roller rink near the hall will also be available for parking.

Directions to Local 257’s hall at 209 Flora Drive: From Highway 54 when nearing Jefferson City, exit on Ellis Blvd., take a left, go to the second stop light and then left on Christy Drive to Flora, make a right on Flora. The union hall is on the left.


In case of rain, the lobbying effort will continue as planned; however, the rally will be cancelled. Once the morning lobbying of representatives is over, busses will begin loading at noon to return home.

With a flurry of anti-worker bills now being debated in the legislature – including no fewer than nine anti-worker right-to-work/freedom-to-work/workplace freedom bills, including three that would place the issue on the ballot – every union member’s participation is critical.

If even one of these bills were to become law, it would begin a downward spiral for the wages and workplace protections of all workers, union and non-union alike.

Representatives from BOTH parties need to hear from their constituents that such efforts will not be tolerated.


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