Low-wage workers preparing for national Fight for $15 action on April 15

Fast Food Strike
FAST FOOD WORKERS protested outside a St. Louis area Wendy’s on May 15 of last year. A nationwide action is planned for April 15. – Labor Tribune file photo

In recent weeks, working families have seen some major national victories, as retail chains like Walmart, Target, TJ Maxx and others have bowed to public pressure and announced wage increases for over half a million workers.

While their anti-union rhetoric is as strong as ever, public pressure campaigns like OUR Walmart and the Fight for $15 (Show Me $15 in St. Louis) have produced concrete victories for working people.

The Fight for $15 movement started in retail and fast food but has grown to include homecare providers, adjunct faculty, bank workers, airport workers and thousands of others.


On April 15, thousands of working people, with union representation and without, will join in St. Louis and across the nation to demand the right to economic dignity and the right to form a union free of retaliation.

The St. Louis event will take place at 4:15 p.m. starting in Forest Park. (More details will be provided just prior to the event.)

“I am proud that St. Louis has been chosen as one of the communities that will anchor this national mobilization,” said Pat White, president of the Greater St. Louis Labor Concil. “I ask you, to join me in supporting St. Louis workers who are fighting for $15 and a union.”


Register your support and pledge to turn out for the April 15 event at april15.org, and stay up to date with the local movement at showme15.org, on Facebook at fb.com/showme15 and Twitter @Show_Me15.


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