Biden to extend overtime protections to one million workers

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN extended overtime protections to one million workers in an executive action July 1, and has pledged to continue to further expand the safeguards if reelected.

In an executive action announced July 1, President Joe Biden extended overtime protections to one million workers and has pledged to continue to further expand the safeguards if reelected.

The new overtime protections stem from a rule finalized in April in a section of the Fair Labor Standards Act based on an updated Department of Labor (DOL) calculation. Now, workers making less than $43,888 a year are eligible for extra pay when they work long hours, putting more money in their pockets.

Additionally, the Biden administration has vowed to further extend these protections to another three million workers by increasing the overtime threshold to $58,656 next year.

“For more than 80 years, the 40-hour workweek has been a pillar of fairness for American workers,” said Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su in a DOL news release.

“Today, our rule to restore that balance by expanding overtime protections for our nation’s lower-paid salaried workers goes into effect. The Biden-Harris administration is giving millions a chance to reclaim their time and share in the economic prosperity that they help create, and we will continue to do good by the people that make this country great.”


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