Budzinski endorsed by Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans

100% RETIREE VOTING RECORD: Democratic Illinois Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski (front row, center) has been endorsed by the Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans in her bid for re-election to Illinois’ 13th District. – Nikki for Congress photo

Springfield, IL – Illinois Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski has been endorsed by the Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans (ILARA) in her bid for re-election in November. ILARA has more than 23,000 members in Illinois’ 13th Congressional District. Budzinski previously earned the group’s endorsement in 2022.

The Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) is a non-profit and nonpartisan organization of retired trade union members affiliated with the AFL-CIO, which founded it in 2001. The group’s membership also includes non-union, community-based activists.

“Hard work should always pay off,” Budzinski said. “I’m proud to be endorsed by the Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans as we fight to ensure that everyone can retire with dignity. With their support, I look forward to continuing my efforts in Congress to protect the hard-earned Social Security and Medicare benefits that our seniors have paid into throughout their careers.”

“Rep. Budzinski has already proven as a member of the U.S. House that she will look out for Illinois seniors. She has earned a 100 percent pro-retiree score in the Alliance’s annual congressional voting record,” said Don Todd, president of the Illinois ARA. “We trust her to work to strengthen our hard earned Social Security and Medicare benefits. She knows that almost 2.3 million people in Illinois rely on Social Security benefits every month. With another term, Nikki will continue the fight for our earned benefits for current and future generations.”

Todd also praised Budzinski’s support for allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices to lower costs.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher for seniors like me. We need Nikki Budzinski in the House fighting against any Republican plan to cut Social Security and Medicare,” added Mr. Todd. “That’s why reelecting Nikki Budzinski is the best choice for Illinois seniors.”

“Congresswoman Budzinski has spent her entire career fighting for the rights and dignity of working people,” said Illinois AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Pat Devaney.

“When it comes to protecting retirees and seniors, we know that Congresswoman Budzinski will keep fighting to preserve their hard-earned right to Medicare, Social Security, and the basic dignities that so many hardworking Americans rely upon. The Illinois AFL-CIO is proud to stand here today with the Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans because we believe that hard work should pay off.”

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