Community BBQ Saturday, Sept. 30, to raise $$ for Sickle Cell research

GOOD EATING UNDER THE TENT – UFCW Local 655’s annual fund raising BBQ to support Sickle Cell research will be held Saturday, Sept. 30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ferguson Schnucks store, 49 N. Florissant Road. Look for the bright UFCW 655 tents to find great barbecue rib tips, hot dogs and hamburgers hot off the grill. – Labor Tribune file photo

UFCW Local 655 event has raised $30,800 in the past four years

United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 655 is extending an open invitation to the entire St. Louis Labor community to enjoy great barbecue while helping to raise much needed funds for Sickle Cell research at its Fifth Annual Community Fundraising BBQ Saturday, Sept. 30, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ferguson Schnucks store, 49 N. Florissant Road.

Local 655’s efforts have raised $30,800 at this event over the past four years.

The event will raise funds for Sickle Cell disease currently has no cure and affects one in every 12 African-Americans, Local 655 President David Cook said.

As in past years, the event will include great food with rib tips, burgers, hot dogs and all the trimmings, as well as a host of attendance prizes.


“We invite the entire Labor community to join with us to raise funds to help find a cure for this tragic disease,” Cook said.

Thirty churches, eight companies and organizations, and 11 Labor unions are co-sponsoring of the fun-filled event, promising to make this the best fund-raising effort to date, Cook said.

Local 655 expressed its appreciation to Holten Meat Co. for its donation of the hamburgers.

“We are committed to this effort because it’s a disease that has no known cure for the more than 100,000 Americans who are impacted each year,” Cook said. “We thank our co-sponsors for their generous support.”


Local 655 and the UFCW International Union are working to raise awareness and support for much needed funding for research and study of this disease.

All proceeds from the event will go to Faces of Our Children, a 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to funding research, raising awareness and providing support for afflicted individuals and their families in the fight against Sickle Cell disease worldwide.

For more information about Faces of Our Children, visit

For information about the barbecue or to become a sponsor, call Union Representative Theresa Hester at 636-736-2758 or email


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Co-Sponsors & Supporters

UFCW Local 655’s Sickle Cell Committee is sponsoring its Fifth Annual Community Fundraising BBQ with the following co-sponsors (This list includes sponsors who had registered as of Labor Tribune press time.):


Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) St. Louis Chapter, Heat & Frost Insulators & Allied Workers Local 1, Elevator Constructors Local 3, Sheet Metal Workers Local 36, Teamsters Locals 618 and 688, United Food & Commercial Workers Locals 1529, 2008, 88 (Meatcutters), and 881 and UNITE HERE Local 74.


Bethesda Temple Church, Calvary M.B. Church, Centennial Christian Church, Central Baptist Church, Cote Brilliante Presbyterian Church, First M.B. Church of Robertson, Florissant Valley Baptist Church, Friendly Temple M.B. Church, Galilee M.B. Baptist Church, Greater Mt. Carmel M.B. Church, Greater Rising Star M.B. Church, Lane Tabernacle CME Church, Lively Stone Church of God, Lovejoy M.B. Church, Lutheran Church of the Living Christ, Memorial Baptist Church, Mercy Seat Baptist Church, Mt. Airy M.B. Church, Mt. Beulah M.B. Church , Mt. Nebo M.B. Church , Mt. Zion M.B. Church – Christian Complex, Murchison Tabernacle C.M.E. Church, New Beginnings M.B. Church, New Northside M.B. Church, Northside Seventh Day Adventist Church, Olivet M.B. Church, Pleasant Green M.B. Church, Pleasant Grove M.B. Church, Prospect Hill Baptist Church, and Westside M.B. Church.


G.I. Construction, GCM Grosvenor, Hammond & Shinners P.C., St. Louis/Southern Illinois Labor Tribune, Segall, Bryant & Hamill, Sierra Investment Partners Inc., The Segal Company, and F.A.I.R (Federation of Agents, International Representatives) and United Way Labor Liasons.

As the largest retail union in Missouri, UFCW Local 655 represents more than 10,000 members working in the 46 counties throughout the eastern half of the state.

Local 655’s members are employed in food stores (its largest single division), shoe manufacturing, packinghouses, distribution centers and a number of miscellaneous plants.






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