Equality for all within reach with House passage of the Equality Act

The U.S. House of Representatives recently has passed the Equality Act (H.R. 5), a landmark piece of civil rights legislation that will extend comprehensive protections to LGBTQ working people.

Currently, private employers in 29 states, including Missouri, can legally fire workers based solely on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
The Equality Act would ensure that civil rights protections are extended equally to LGBTQ.

“Too many Americans live in states with outdated laws that leave our LGBTQ neighbors, friends, and family vulnerable to discrimination,” United Food and Commercial Workers OUTreach Chair Michele Kessler said. “We are proud to stand with Americans across the country in support of the Equality Act and urge the Senate to do the right thing and pass this bill immediately.”

By amending existing federal civil rights laws, it would explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in education, employment, housing, credit, federal jury service, public accommodations and the use of federal funds.

The bill still needs to pass in the Senate, and President Donald Trump needs to sign it into law.

You can take action by sending a letter to your senator and telling them to pass the Equality Act at https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/tell-congress-pass-the-equality-act.

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