First-person: RTW will increase workplace discrimination



The one thing I’m most concerned about, when it comes to “right-to-work” laws, is that such laws will increase workplace discrimination employment prospects of people with disabilities.

I lived in a “right-to-work” state (Georgia) for four years, and saw how badly employers treated their employees.

I’ve seen employers shove workers that they consider “undesirable” out within six months. I got shoved out of one job in Georgia within a month, the second one in six months, and the last one in five months.

Those workers who got shoved out were usually adults with disabilities or high school students.

I believe that joining a union should be a fundamental right. All unions should come with the job, like the UFCW (United Food & Commercial Workers). I was in UFCW Local 1063 in Atlanta when I worked for Grand Union and Kroger.

I believe people with disabilities will benefit greatly by having greater access to union membership.

(As posted on Pro-Union St. Louis!)


You’ll also want to read:

The truth about RTW

What it’s like to work under right-to-work: His & Her perspectives

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