Get your union news and talk online with the Labor Tribune and Pro-Union St. Louis!

If you’re looking for union news and an opportunity to join the discussion of so-called “right-to-work” and other Labor-related issues, you need look no further than Facebook.

There’s a Facebook group for everything these days, but two local pages are particularly noteworthy – and, yes, we’re tooting our own horn here.

The Labor Tribune’s Facebook page has more than 4,000 followers and provides direct links to the paper’s website as well as updates on breaking stories, news of events and actions by local unions and an opportunity to engage online with fellow union members and those interested in workers’ issues.

As with the Labor Tribune’s print edition, the rules of the Labor Tribune’s Facebook page are straight forward pro-union. You won’t find jurisdictional disputes or personal criticisms featured here. This page is devoted to the good unions do and the challenges workers face politically and on the job.


For a laid-back approach and lively discussion, check out the Pro-Union St. Louis! Facebook page, where workers are invited to express their views on current events. Pro-Union currently has 11,000 enthusiastic members – up from 5,000 just six months ago.

Founder Steve Erdelen, a former member of the United Media Guild and a progressive public relations entrepreneur, started the Facebook group in 2013 to provide an area-wide forum on Labor issues. “Right-to-work,” of course, has been a hot topic in recent months.

“Some friends and family members thought I was nuts because I did some freelance work in corporate marketing and they thought this new group might hurt my prospects for new business,” Erdelen said. “No problem. I figured if somebody was that uptight about their politics, I didn’t want to work with them anyway.”

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