IBEW Int’l. approves Local 4 strike authorization in Channel 5 negotiations

Talks at KSDK not going well; new round of negotiations set for next month

Publisher Emeritus

With contract negotiations lagging between IBEW Local 4 and KSDK Channel 5, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has granted approval of the local’s previous strike authorization vote.

In a Jan. 18 letter to his members, Local 4 Business Manager Mike Pendergast said, “We met with Tegna-KSDK management representatives four times during the past two weeks and cannot report any progress in resolving our differences.”

Their contract expires Jan. 31 with two additional bargaining sessions scheduled for Feb. 22 and 24.

Noting that the union had made concessions in their current contract to give the station “jurisdictional flexibility” in the current pact, Pendergast said the station failed to honor the agreements it made in return for the union’s flexibility on some of its jurisdictional work.

Now, Channel 5 is insisting the union concede all work jurisdiction. And, while the station has not made a wage offer, they are proposing to worsen conditions of employment such as eliminating daily overtime for certain employees.

“While our members don’t cherish striking, they are adamant that we must reach a FAIR agreement if we are to avoid a strike,” Pendergast told the Labor Tribune. “It’s clear by the members’ overwhelming strike vote, a strike is inevitable if the company continues on its present course in negotiations.”


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