IBEW/NECA Electrical Industry Training Center expands Electric Vehicle Infrastructure training

IBEW/NECA’s Electrical Industry Training Center’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) is readying the next generation of skilled workers to build out reliable electrical vehicle infrastructure. – Electrical Connection photo

The IBEW/NECA Electrical Industry Training Center is expanding its EV infrastructure training staff, adding 10 new instructors for its Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) in anticipation of the growing need for reliable electrical vehicle (EV) infrastructure.

The training center completed its first round of two EV charger classes with the new training staff, adding more than 30 EVITP-trained journeymen and women and apprentices to IBEW Local 1’s proficiencies in fortifying the network of EV infrastructure. The training center launched another round of classes on Oct. 4.

The training center is jointly operated by Local 1 and the St. Louis Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), which form the Electrical Connection, which offers its resources to business and civic leadership to advance the next generation of electrical and communications infrastructure, including EV infrastructure and other technologies shaping the future.

President Biden’s $1.4 trillion infrastructure plan moving through Congress includes significant investment in modernizing electrical and communication infrastructure, including upgrading the electrical grid, expanding EV infrastructure and broadband.

“As always, modernizing electrical and communications infrastructure is highly dependent on the skilled and safe workforce we train,” said Local 1 Business Manager Frank Jacobs. “In many ways, the Biden infrastructure plan is reminiscent of FDR’s rural electrification program in the 1930s and the massive transformation of manufacturing to serve a war economy in the 1940s. The nation relied on our workforce back then and can rely on it today to advance a much more complex infrastructure modernization.”

“Our apprentices and skilled electricians engaged in continuing education are excited about EVITP,” said Shawn Levin, director of the training center. “The workforce we train is proud of all that they build, but when it is part of a transformative moment to meet the nation’s needs, it is particularly inspiring work. They’ll be able to tell their kids and grandkids that were part of history.”

The national Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) developed in 2011 established standards for reliable EV infrastructure installations to support an emerging EV market. Dr. Linda Little, assistant director of the training center, helped develop the EVITP national curriculum and the reliability standards that include Article 625 of the National Electrical Code, which covers EV charging systems.

“Our contractors are prepared to provide complete turn-key service to expand the network of EV charging stations,” said Doug Martin, executive vice president, St. Louis Chapter NECA. “They are fully proficient at optimizing Ameren EV charger incentive programs, site planning, engineering, acquiring and installing charging stations.” A total of 17 Electrical Connection-member contractors have managed the reliable installation of EV charging stations throughout the region.

Ameren Missouri began offering its new incentives this year to business customers through the Charge Ahead program. Information on the incentives can be found at ameren.com/missouri/business/electric-vehicles.

“Business and civic leadership have engaged the Electrical Connection to advance a reliability standard for EV infrastructure,” said Jim Curran, Electrical Connection executive vice president, adding “IBEW/NECA have invested considerable resources to ensure that happens.”

To learn more about the Electrical Connection, visit electricalconnection.org.


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