Illinois Federation of Teachers endorses JB Pritzker for governor


Largest public-sector union to endorse candidate for governor


Illinois Correspondent

Chicago, IL – The Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) has endorsed JB Pritzker for governor. IFT, the largest public-sector union to make an endorsement in the race, joins 30 other individual unions along with the Illinois AFL-CIO to support JB Pritzker’s campaign. 

Dan Montgomery, IFT President and a high school English teacher, said “On behalf of our Executive Board and 100,000 members across Illinois, we are proud to endorse JB Pritzker for Governor. For two decades, JB has been working to advance early childhood education, expand school breakfast programs, and fight back against bigotry and hatred. As Governor, we know he will continue standing up for our students from their first day of school through college graduation.”


“Unlike Bruce Rauner, JB respects workers and wants to work together to find solutions to our state’s problems,” Montgomery said.

“While Rauner made deep cuts and caused a crisis, JB believes that to increase funding for our schools and services fairly, Illinois needs a progressive income tax where the wealthy pay at a higher rate than those who can least afford it. We’re confident that JB, along with his running mate Juliana Stratton, will put working families first and put Illinois back on track.”


“I’m so proud to receive the endorsement of the Illinois Federation of Teachers and the 100,000 teachers, paraprofessionals, higher education faculty and staff and public employees they represent,” Pritzker said. “Every single child in Illinois deserves a quality public education no matter their zip code. It’s time for a governor who works hard for our students, listens to and respects our teachers and makes fully funding public schools a priority.

“Unfortunately, Bruce Rauner has decimated public education in our state, forcing five public universities to downgrade to junk status and it’s time for new leadership in Springfield,” Pritzker said.

“I look forward to working with IFT members to strengthen public education and services in Illinois and ensure strong neighborhood public schools in all of our communities. I’m proud to support the Labor Movement and the rights of IFT members to collectively bargain and retire in dignity.”

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