Local unions to participate, invite members to join in June 30 Pride Parade


At least four local Labor unions will join hundreds of groups on Sunday, June 30, marching in the annual Grand Pride Parade in downtown St. Louis to celebrate their LGBTQIA+ members and remind the public that unions provide an equal voice on the job to all workers.

Everyone is invited to join in the parade and PrideFest festivities in celebration of LGBTQIA+ union members who proudly wear their union buttons at workplaces throughout the bi-state region.

The Grand Pride Parade will begin at noon and run down Market Street, starting at 10th and Market streets, past the PrideFest grounds, and end at 16th and Market. The Grand Pride Parade, sponsored by Boeing, serves as a means to showcase the creative talents and service provided by hundreds of LGBTQIA+ -friendly businesses, non-profit organizations, and community groups, as they spread their message to all who attend.

“We are not all the same. We are different, diverse and unique. We are not all the same, but we are all equal,” said UFCW Local 655 President David Cook in extending an invitation to his members to join in their participation in the upcoming parade. Local 655 was the first union to join in the PRIDE parade some 11 years ago. Since then, many others have joined in as well.

“What is a union if not the mechanism for people of all backgrounds and beliefs to come together and speak with one voice? That’s why we stand up and say, ‘Happy Pride Month.’ Join us at the PRIDE parade on June 30. Let’s show everyone what solidarity looks like!” Cook added.

UFCW Local 88 (Meat, Seafood & Deli Workers) also will be marching in the parade again this year and will have a booth both days of the festival giving away pronoun buttons and stickers for the third year in a row. They’ll have plenty on hand so stop by and get your own.

“Last year we gave away over 4,000 pronoun buttons, and the year before we gave away over 2,000 condoms,” Local 88 President Dan Telle said.

UNITE HERE Local 74, representing hotel and restaurant workers, will again have a walking entry this year.

“Our international slogan this year is ‘You will not divide us,’” said Local 74 President Kim Bartholomew. “There’s a lot of divisiveness out there regarding our LGBTQIA+ community. We represent people from all different walks of life, all different races all different countries and we feel people from all walks of life and all backgrounds should be treated equally. I personally have never had anyone at the Pride Parade say anything bad to me, and that’s what we need right now. We need more love.”

United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 2250 will be marching again this year, said Jay Davis, chair of Local 2250’s LGBTQIA+ committee.

“We’re going to bring out more people each year to represent the community and let them know that we support all,” Davis said, adding that she’s already had about 50 members indicate they’ll be participating. “I’ve been getting great feedback on people that want to participate, people that want to donate, so hopefully it will be bigger this year than in previous years.”

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