National CLUW leadership conference kicks off April 30 in Silver Spring, MD

Reservation deadline is April 16

The Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) is holding a women’s leadership skills conference that begins April 30 in Silver Spring, MD, near Washington. The conference is open to all women.

The event, called “SNAP: Sisters Not Afraid of Power Conference” will be held April 30 to May 2 at the Tommy Douglas Conference Center at 10000 New Hampshire Ave. in Silver Spring, MD. The conference is designed to give union women skills so they can play a prominent role in their unions, CLUW chapters and their communities.

On May 3, the CLUW National Executive Board (NEB) will hold its annual meeting at the same location. All CLUW members, including those who are not part of the NEB, are invited to attend the board meeting as observers.

On May 4, members and non-members are invited to attend the CLUW Working Women’s Award Celebration at the AFL-CIO Headquarters in Washington, followed by a rally focusing on the needs of working women.

The registration deadline is April 16. The cost to attend the conference is $150 and includes materials, lunch and snack breaks for the two full conference days. Attendance at the NEB meeting and award celebration is free, but you must register for the events.

The CLUW room rate at the conference center is $139 single or $189 double plus applicable taxes per night. For reservations, call, 240-645-4000. If you are seeking a roommate or want to share a room, call the CLUW National Office at 202-508-6969.

To register for the event online, visit

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