ONE MAN’S VIEW: ‘What if it was your kid?’

NBA Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr summed up the controversy over sensible gun safety measures and reducing gun violence in America last week with a simple, honest question, “What if it was your kid?”

He was speaking of course of the senseless slaying of 19 young children and two teachers in Texas. Yet another slaughter of innocents that makes headlines one day… and then is forgotten the next by the people who could make a difference – our elected officials.

Look, I’m in favor of people owning guns, I have a shotgun. But I must ask every parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt out there:

“What if it was your kid?”

Brothers and Sisters, it’s time for REASON to prevail. No one wants to ban guns, but allowing teenagers or unstable others to buy weapons of war unimpeded is crazy!

Gov. Mike Parsons was on TV bemoaning the deaths and saying something must be done. Yet, when the City of St. Louis tried to impose some reasonable gun restrictions, the Republican-controlled Missouri legislature overruled the city and forced them to back down.

It’s time for our Republican leaders to act as just that – leaders – and STOP blocking every commonsense effort to have sane gun laws. What’s wrong with background checks? What’s wrong with requiring a license and safety training to own a gun? What’s wrong with preventing carrying an AR-15, or any other weapon, openly in public?

In Missouri, as is the case throughout America, the Republican Party has stood in the way of reason on this issue. Why? For fear the gun lobby will take them out (with votes, not bullets), crying that any minimal gun regulations is a “slippery slope” to prevent any reasonable, responsible form of gun regulation.

Missouri gun laws are some of the weakest in the country. Missouri has no law requiring background checks on unlicensed gun sales. State law also allows people to carry hidden, loaded handguns in public without a permit or safety training. Missouri has no laws prohibiting domestic abusers from possessing guns.

And so we issue our prayers and concern for grieving parents, as if that will help take away their pain and anguish or lessen the severity of their loss. It won’t.

If you are a parent, a grandparent, an uncle or aunt – if you are any way concerned about the safety of our kids in school – you need to make your voice heard with your VOTE in November. It’s time we begin to get a grip on the problem by sending the legislative cowards – be they Democrat or Republican – in Jefferson City and Washington packing.

What if it was your kid… or grandchild, or brother, sister or spouse?

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