Recent polling shows Crystal Quade with a commanding lead over Mike Hamra in Democratic primary for Missouri governor

St. Louis – A recent poll conducted by Show Me Victories shows that likely Missouri Democratic voters prefer Crystal Quade over Mike Hamra in the Democratic primary for Governor.


State Representative Quade is the Democratic Minority Floor Leader.

Hamra is the CEO of restaurant franchise group Hamra Enterprises, based in Springfield, Mo.

Show Me Victories surveyed 370 likely Democratic voters across Missouri to measure their opinions on the upcoming 2024 primary for Governor. The survey was conducted via SMS text message. The margin error, at the 95 percent confidence level, is plus-or-minus six percent.

Quade is the Missouri AFL-CIO endorsed candidate in the race.


  • Quade’s experience and background resonates strongly with primary voters. After hearing the biographies of Crystal Quade and Mike Hamra based on their introduction videos and websites, voters were asked how likely they would vote for each candidate on a scale of one to 10 (one being would never vote for  the candidate and 10 being they would definitely vote for them). Quade was the clear favorite with an average score of nine. Hamra received far less confidence from the voters surveyed with an average score of five on the same scale.
  • Quade’s record on reproductive healthcare and education solidifies her strong support among the Democratic base. Over 88 percent of likely Democratic primary voters find her record and position on reproductive healthcare and education as convincing reasons to support her.
  • Hamra’s background and policy priorities do not inspire excitement or confidence among primary voters. Hamra’s business background and emphasis on his philanthropic work fall flat among Democratic primary voters, with only 12 percent of voters finding these as very convincing reasons to vote for him.
  • After hearing the positive priorities and positive biographies of each candidate, 76 percent of likely voters would vote for Quade. Hamra comes away with six percent support, with 14 percent of likely voters still undecided.
  • Hamra’s wealth and significant privilege raise doubts among Democratic voters. Seventy-three percent of voters indicate Hamra’s personal wealth and background make them question his ability to represent working-class voters.

When Democratic voters were asked what issues were most important to them when they vote, they overwhelmingly stated reproductive rights/abortion, affordable healthcare, securing our Democracy, cost-of-living, and protecting public schools.

The most popular organizations and individuals among Democratic voters are:

  • 88 percent favorable of Planned Parenthood.
  • 86 percent favorable of Teachers unions.
  • 78 percent favorable of Private Sector unions.
  • 77 percent favorable of former U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill.

“Crystal Quade is the clear favorite among likely Democratic primary voters,” said Democratic political consultant Braxton Payne. “The survey was conducted before paid media had begun. Mike Hamra has recently started airing commercials but I am unsure how much that will move the needle in his favor as his biography doesn’t resonate well with likely Democratic voters. It will be important for voters to hear Quade’s biography, her experience dealing with the priorities that are top of mind among the Democratic base.”

Democratic strategist Megan Shackelford added “Democratic voters are clear: they want a Governor who has real political experience and a deep commitment to the issues that are most important to them. As a mostly unknown political newcomer, Hamra has a steep hill to climb to secure the confidence and support of Democratic primary voters.”

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