SSM Health SLU Hospital nurses ratify new contract with strong measures to improve patient safety and nurse retention

REGISTERED NURSES at SSM Health St. Louis University Hospital held 24-hour strike Sept. 25, 2023 fighting for a fair contract that addressed concerns about patient care, safe staffing and workplace violence. The nurses ratified a strong new contract that addresses those issues on July 27. – Labor Tribune file photo


St. Louis – Registered nurses at SSM Health St. Louis University Hospital (SLUH) voted overwhelmingly in favor of ratifying a new three-year contract July 27, winning protections to improve patient safety and nurse retention, the National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (NNOC/NNU) announced.

The RNs have been fighting for a strong contract for more than a year, including holding an informational picket in July 2023, a historic one-day strike in September 2023, and a two-day strike in December 2023.

“This new contract is a huge win for patients and nurses,” said Earline Shepard, an RN in the cardiac catheterization lab at SLUH. “It was a long time coming, but we finally won an agreement that will let us recruit and retain experienced nurses. With improved staffing, we can give our patients the care they deserve.”

Highlights of the contract include:

  • Safe staffing provisions, including language that establishes a nurse staffing subcommittee elected by RNs that will work with the committee of elected nurses to review hospital policies, procedures, and staffing plans and make recommendations, which the chief nursing officer is required to review and respond.
  • Health and safety language that addresses reporting workplace violence incidents and personal protective equipment standards.
  • No contract takeaways.
  • Economic gains and health benefit provisions to help retain and recruit experienced nurses, including an average wage increase of 17 percent over the life of the agreement with a maximum raise of 40 percent and retaining the current health insurance plan.

The new contract covers the period from July 27, 2024 to July 27, 2027.


“We are proud that through our collective action and solidarity, we were able to fight back against contract takeaways, keep our health insurance options, and ensure nurse input regarding staffing policies,” said Kellie Allen, an RN in the cardio-thoracic step-down unit.

“Our strong contract will ensure that our patients will be cared for by nurses who live and work in the community.”

NNOC has represented the nurses at St. Louis University Hospital since 2012.



  • I have been cared for by some great nurses and am glad their dedication and value to the community has been recognized

  • After being a patient under cardio care, i appreciate and congratulate the nurseing staff. Thank you for the excellant care.


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