UAW files federal Labor charges against Trump and Musk for attempted worker intimidation

Detroit, MI – The United Autoworkers union (UAW) has filed federal Labor charges against Donald Trump and Elon Musk for their illegal attempts to threaten and intimidate workers for exercising their protected Labor rights during an Aug. 11 evening interview on Twitter/X Space.

During the conversation, with an audience of more than one million listeners, Trump and Musk advocated for the illegal firing of striking workers. The former president praised Musk’s union-busting track record, endorsing the idea of breaking federal law when workers stage a work stoppage. Tesla, an automotive company owned by Musk, has been accused of violating worker rights multiple times, including for wage theft, refusing to give meal breaks to workers and more.

“When we say Donald Trump is a scab, this is what we mean,” said UAW President Shawn Fain. “When we say Trump stands against everything our union stands for, this is what we mean. Donald Trump will always side against workers standing up for themselves, and he will always side with billionaires like Elon Musk, who is contributing $45 million a month to a Super PAC to get him elected.

“Both Trump and Musk want working class people to sit down and shut up,” Fain said, “and they laugh about it openly. It’s disgusting, illegal, and totally predictable from these two clowns.”

“Greedy bosses aren’t just laughing at workers in smoke-filled backrooms anymore. They’re broadcasting it for the world to hear,” said AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler in a press release.

“We applaud our union brothers, sisters and siblings at the UAW for filing federal Labor charges with the NLRB against Trump and Musk for threatening and intimidating workers. That was illegal union-busting in real time, and they should be held accountable.”


One Comment

  • As a retired UAW/GM autoworker I say Thank You! to President Shawn Fain for going after those two criminals! They should both spend some time on the “inside”!


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