Union calls out Western Illinois University’s reckless and damaging layoffs

Macomb, IL – Despite union protests and faculty resistance, Western Illinois University has opted to lay off nearly 90 employees, including tenured faculty.

Prior to a meeting on Aug. 5, faculty, staff, students and supporters gathered with signs at the Chandler Park gazebo in Macomb, Ill. and called on the board to reconsider the then pending layoffs as the fall semester loomed. However, the board granted permission to the administration to lay off an undetermined number of contingent and tenured/tenure-track faculty and other employees.

“Actions speak louder than words, and today the members of the WIU board of trustees made their priorities clear,” said Merrill Cole, president of the WIU Chapter of University Professionals of Illinois Local 4100. “Sadly, our students and communities don’t seem to be at the top of the list.”

The board voted to authorize the layoffs after previously dismissing 35 faculty members in June, while also rejecting a proposal to sell the university president’s residence, according to the local. Cole said that sale would have helped address the university’s cash flow issues.

“The board’s action today is reckless, shortsighted, and a direct disinvestment in our students and communities,” Cole said. “This board is directly responsible for the devastating impact the cuts will have on our students, community, and regional economy.”

WIU’s chapter of the University Professionals of Illinois is affiliated with the Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) and represents about 500 faculty, instructors, academic support professionals and technical support staff at Western Illinois University.

“We are profoundly disturbed by the decision to issue a sweeping round of layoffs affecting our dedicated faculty, academic support professionals, protech staff, and civil service personnel,” said IFT President Dan Montgomery.

“This decision, which compounds the earlier layoffs of 35 contingent faculty members, is not just an attack on the livelihoods of these committed individuals and their families — it is a shortsighted action that will inflict lasting damage on our students and the Macomb and Moline communities.”

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