YOUR LETTERS: On President Biden’s pardon of LGBTQI+ service members

We stand united in support and celebration of President Joe Biden’s historic decision to pardon many former service members who were unjustly convicted due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.

This momentous step acknowledges the profound courage and sacrifices made by LGBTQI+ service members who, despite facing discrimination and injustice, dedicated their lives to defending the freedoms we cherish.

As the leading veterans’ advocacy organization within the Labor Movement, the Union Veterans Council honors the tens of thousands of Americans who served our country with unwavering bravery.

Many of these heroes were subjected to court-martial and discharged dishonorably, not for any failure in duty, but simply for being themselves. This pardon not only rectifies a grievous wrong but also reaffirms our commitment to ensuring that all who serve are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.


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