Koster thanks Laborers 110 for its support, urges continued effort to stop anti-worker legislation

MISSOURI ATTORNEY GENERAL and 2016 candidate for governor Chris Koster visited Laborers Local 110 to thank the union for it’s support and urge continued resilience against anti-worker lawmakers. – Labor Tribune photo

Sunset Hills, MO – Missouri Democratic candidate for governor Attorney General Chris Koster visited the December meeting of Laborers Local 110 to thank members for their support and urge them to continue their support through Election Day, and keep up the fight against anti-worker legislation like right-to-work.

Speaking of his Republican opponents and the extremist legislators who are promoting anti-working family legislation, Koster said “They want to turn Missouri against itself. They want to bring in right-to-work. They want to do away with prevailing wage. They want card check. They want to do away with collective bargaining for public employees. They want to break the neck of Organized Labor in this state. And we are not going to let it happen.”

Koster emphasized the importance of participating on Election Day to elect worker-friendly candidates and prevent Missouri from becoming a right-to-work state like so many of its neighbors.

A union Laborer in Missouri earns an average of $30 an hour, Koster said. In Kansas, which has right-to-work, the average wage for a laborer is $12 an hour.

“We are not going to let that happen to the families of this state,” Koster said.


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